Stumbling through speeches, struggling to string together sentences? Trust, we too, tackle these tiring trials.

Enter Vimeo’s Tongue Twisting Tourney to see how one-take video creation tools can make video mishaps a thing of the past.

This tantalizing tournament tempts talented creators to craft cunning, creative, and comical compositions. Playful participants can practice precise pronunciation, puns, and poetic wordplay. As a curious condition, AI contributes to concocting captivating, complex scripts for twirling, teasing tongue twisters that tickle the taste for tricky, theatrical thrills.

We’re calling on anyone ready to take on Vimeo’s one-take video tools and make a recording of the most convoluted and intricate phrases (the weirder, the better) with impeccable speed and clarity. Costumes, character sketches, and careening one-minute monologues welcome.

See competition details

How to create your tongue twister:

1. Create an AI tongue twister

Write a prompt – feel free to get weird – and get a script in seconds with our AI video script generator.

2. Record your video

Record a 1-minute video of yourself reading your stunning script using the built-in teleprompter.

3. Trim to perfection

Remove your mistakes in seconds by deleting unwanted text from your auto-generated video transcript.

Try one-take video creation

See how the competition gets creative with AI

AI-powered video tools make it easier than ever to go from idea to script in seconds. Go wild with your wackiest prompt and drop it into Vimeo’s new AI video script generator. Battling a bout of writer’s block? No problem! Copy and paste one of our prompts to test your mettle.

Check out how influencers are taking on AI and get inspired to record your own:

1. Embody the punniness

It’s easy to go from cute to cringe with the average tongue twister performance. But Katie Martell blows it out of the park with a clever costume change for the Fruit Salad Summit and Symposium. Don’t be afraid to let your words and your wardrobe showcase the fruits of your labor.

2. Start slowly

Mastering the art of alliteration is more than speed and verbal prowess. Dave Gerhardt leveraged his podcasting and storybook telling skills for an epic oration of snails. Pronouncing similar sounding words can trip anyone up — especially when you’re on cam — but slowing down can get you through the tricky parts.

3. Just dive in

Feeling squeamish? Take our advice and just dive in cold. Ross Simmons, founder of Foundation, tackles a deluge of digital marketing wordplay without missing a beat. Once you generate your script idea, lean into the teleprompter, and start building momentum with your recording. AI can help your script reach uncharted linguistic territories in seconds, but the confidence to go live is still strictly something human.

Tongue Twisting Tournament Winners

Vimeo’s first ever Tongue Twister Tournament drew submissions from across the globe. Users took the one-take video creation tools and AI script generator to create killer tongue twister videos that were trim it to perfection.

Our curation team judged submissions based on creativity, confidence, and comedy and chose three show-stopping winners presented during Outside The Frame. Congratulations to our contestants!

Make your masterpiece with one-take video